Course A

Water as a Resource

Course organiser:Howard Harvey


25 May:
Jessica Hamilton, Senior Water Engineer, Jacobs Engineering on 'Our Drinking Water.'

Where it comes from, depth and location of wells and the pumping system. 
Water purity and standards. Issues such as methods to reduce contamination and the place of chlorine and fluoride. 
The future, especially coping with the growth of Christchurch. Is there a new wells programme? 
The place of alternatives such as tank water attached to dwellings.

1 Jun:
Daniel Clark, Senior Scientist, Hydrology, Environment Caterbury (ECan) on 'The Role of Regional Councils and Ecan.'

The Overview of water management. How does Ecan determine limits for water takes and other activities that impact water quality and quantity? How do we ensure limits are being met?

8 Jun:
Shaun McCracken, Flood Protection Recovery Manager, ECan on 'Rivers and Floods.'

Using case studies to look at the different types of rivers. The changes in the braided rivers such as gravel accumulation. Can we control their flow? Systems of flood protection. For example, the pros and cons of flood banks, ponding areas, flood ways, planting along the river banks, rock edging and walls to protect against bank erosion.

15 Jun:
Scott Wilson, Hydrologist, Lincoln Agritech Ltd, Lincoln University on 'Groundwater and Aquifers.'

What are the natural processes of groundwater? How do braided rivers such as the Waimakariri work beneath the surface? What new technology is available to make observations of river processes? How does nitrate move from our soils through ground water and into surface water? How do we measure groundwater recharge rates?

22 Jun:
Eoghan O’Neill, Technical Director, Pattle, Delamore Partners Ltd on 'Stormwater, Sewerage and Drainage.'

Eoghan will discuss our stormwater Infrastructure such as waterways, pipes, pumping stations and stop banks, also the effects of the earthquakes and tidal flow-back on the system, issues facing Southshore/Brighton, our Wastewater and Sewerage Network from domestic and trade waste. We will learn about the gravity, pressure and vacuum systems and the Christchurch Treatment plant. Plus the role of oxidation ponds, odour control and how water is monitored as a discharge into the sea.