Course B

Helping Agencies

Course organiser:Denise Burrow and Ann Whitnall


2 Mar:
Lois Herbert, Chief Executive Officer, Battered Women's Trust, on 'Family Violence'.She will be discussing types of violence, who it affects, its causes and our role as a community.

9 Mar:
George Patena, who is actively involved with the local Refugee Council and Multicultural Council, on 'Multicultural Christchurch'.The Christchurch City Council has developed the first community led strategy which recognises that it has a leadership role in making Christchurch a city where diversity is welcomed and celebrated. This Strategy outlines what the Council can do in terms of improving service delivery, upskilling the internal organisation and developing authentic relationships to achieve the outcome of a diverse, inclusive and welcoming city.

16 Mar:
Dr. Sue Bradshaw, Korowai Wellbeing Trust, on 'What Supports Young People to Develop Well?'Sue will discuss not only how the Korowai Youth Well-Being Trust does it, but also their plans for improvement and joining in with others in a Youth Hub.

23 Mar:
Sgt. Gary Malzard, Youth Services Co-ordinator, NZ Police on 'The Role Of Youth Aid Within NZ Police'.He will talk about offending by children and young people in New Zealand and how this is handled by Youth Aid. He will also discuss how matters are resolved and what prosecution options are available.

30 Mar:
Sue Ricketts, General Manager of Mental Health Advocacy & Peer Support, on 'Together on the Road to Wellbeing'.Sue will talk about Mental Health and Addiction Recovery Peer Services and also answer associated questions from the U3A members.